January 22 2021

 This past week of school the grade 4s wrote both a math and a science test.  Overall, both tests were incredibly successful.  Those that reviewed their multiplication over the weekend definitely benefitted from the extra practice.  Those who feel like they could improve on these tests will be given the opportunity to answers some additional questions in the next week or two, they just have to let me know that they would like to, and we will arrange a date.

There was a large focus this week in social studies.  As we continue to explore the Blackfoot People's history on this land, we have been looking more into perspective taking.  The students took part in an activity based on the book "Seven Blind Mice" by Ed Young.

The Grade 4s were tasked with combining the perspectives of the 7 blind mice to try to determine what it was that the mice had found.  Ask your child how it went!

They also took part in an activity that involved them completing a picture that they had about 1/6th of.  Although they all had parts of the same picture, the results were incredibly different.  The students learned that even though we may have a similar view of the same object, once we incorporate our own ideas, experiences, and knowledge, we can have completely different ideas.

In math, we have been venturing further into multiplication with 3-4 digits by 1-digit.  At this juncture in math, it is most important that each child has a solid grasp of their times tables up to 9x9.  As we move into division, this skill will be important in order for them to be successful, especially as the numbers we work with become larger.

In literacy, we are exploring more of what it takes to build a persuasive essay.  I may have framed this as a way to win arguments with parents, so apologies for any extra headaches that causes in the future, particularly into their teens.  Their current task is to find one rule in their life that they would like to change.  The students will create a 5 paragraph essay that focuses on creating well developed and supported arguments.

The week of February 1st is when report cards will be coming out and the new term will begin.  As it stands we will be having a couple students joining our class from the hub.  
The following week, Feb 8-12, will be the week of Valentines festivities.  This year, because of having to quarantine things for 72 hours, any Valentines to be distributed on the Wednesday (which is the last day of the school for the week before Valentine’s day due teacher's convention) will have to be brought in on Monday the 8th, or earlier.  Of course, there is no obligation to take part, I just want to give everyone as much heads up as possible!
Lastly, next Friday is a PD day, so there will be no school.  

Have a wonderful weekend, and stay warm.
Mr. Waters


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