This week the grade 4s got to experience a virtual field trip on light and shadows. They performed experiments that allowed them to discover how light travels, how it can be reflected, and how water affects it. Your child was able to take home their kits from the virtual field trip today, ask them to demonstrate some of the experiments.
As I was away for three days this week, we were fortunate enough to have a guest teacher in, Ms. Pitcher. With an absolute ton of teaching experience, the grade 4s were lucky to have her share her expertise in Art. They completed winter scene water colour paintings that will be coming home with them before the winter break. They learned new technique for making a more realistic painting.
In math they continued working on their multiplication strategies, with focus on strategies for multiplying by 2 (doubling), 4 (doubling twice), and 8(doubling three times). They also learned some new math games that allow them to have some fun while utilizing their math knowledge.
In Social studies we are currently exploring who the first inhabitants of our province were. We are exploring a Glenbow museum website that details the many ways in which The Blackfoot people thrived in the land no matter the season, and much more about their way of life.
In writing, the grade 4s have completed their first draft of a letter to seniors at the Evanston Summit senior centre. Focusing on the importance of community building, the 4s were tasked with writing a kind letter to those who might not get to see their loved ones in this year. The letters will be quarantined and delivered to the senior centre before the winter break.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Mr. Waters
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