Congratulations to everyone for making it through the first month of the school year! 

This week we busy learning about what we can do around the school and at home to help reduce the amount of waste that we produce.  We sorted through our classroom garbage and recycling to see if we have our waste program dialed in.  We found some fun surprises in the two bins!  The students have been learning more about what items can be recycled, composted, and what must be thrown out.  Next week we will start to dive deeper into what happens to the items we toss into the green bin.


In Literacy, we’ve continued to focus on adding detail our sentences.  The grade 4s have also begun to explore what constitutes a quality paragraph(dissimilar to this one).

If you check google classroom, your child should be completed, or almost completed, their first research assignment on a natural region of Alberta. The students were tasked to find out what type of animals, landforms, natural resources, and climate they would find in their region.  They were then asked to create a slide show to share what they’ve learned, while utilizing tips and tricks learned in the classroom, such as screen-shotting a certain area.

In math, the 4s have been practicing telling time on an analog clock and dove head first into fractions by trying to figure out how many whole oranges were in a bowl of orange slices.

On Friday you should have received an email from the office about protocol for when your child is sick.  There are a few minor changes in that document, so it is worth a read.  if you know that your student will be away for more than a couple of days, please let me know.  I will ensure that they have sufficient work to complete from home that is accessible through Google Classroom.

A friendly reminder that next week is a short week, with no school for the students on Friday.  The students will also be off Monday October 12th.  

Mr. Waters


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